Pilates for Young People
Dancers, Gymnasts, Cheerleaders, Sports people
The classes include Reformer and Mat Pilates taught by experienced Pilates teachers with backgrounds as Professional dancers and dance teaching.
With a maximum of 6 people per class we offer a high level of attention and guidance to our students with specific attention to alignment and technique.
Best suited to young people 12-18 years of age.
arc Pilates for Young People classes will work towards improving performance and preventing injuries related to alignment, weakness, imbalances and faulty movement patterns. These classes are not just for dancers, gymnasts, cheerleaders, sports people but all will be appropriate for any young person struggling with posture/alignment as they grow.
Term 1 8th February -14th April (10 weeks)
Term 2 2nd May -8th July (10 Weeks)
Term 3 25th July -30 September (10 weeks)
Term 4 17th October - 16th December (10 Weeks)
Casual $30
Term Concession $250 paid at beginning of Term.
Spaces are limited so book now to secure your spot.