Gentle post-illness pilates flow sequence

This winter has been tough, the colds and flus in all forms this year have been relentless and it feels like we are all due a bit of a break and a bit of sunshine!

We all want to get right back into it but it’s important in those first few days following COVID19 to allow the body and mind some time to heal and re energise.

Here is a short flow (the video demonstrates the sequence not the reps). This should only take about 10 mins and is aimed for those following sickness to gently move the joints/ encourage mindful diaphragmatic breathing/ improve energy and ease the body and mind back to health.

Knee rocks side to side

Lying on your back, feet together and knees bent, gently rock both knees to the right keeping your shoulders open and heavy into the floor, take a breath into your left rib cage in/ out and repeat opposite side

Repeat 5 x each way

Hip circles

Pull one knee into your chest and let the other leg relax, pull knee to chest as far as is comfortable and move in small circles clockwise and anti- clockwise/ massaging into the hip joint.

Repeat 10 x each direction


Lying on your back -Feet and knees hip width apart, send the tailbone towards the back of the knees and float the hips away from the floor, try and maintain a gentle heaviness of your breastbone towards the floor, this will help to find the opening of the front of the hips and encourage more gluteal/ buttock contraction.

Lift and lower 10 x 1-2 sets.

4 point kneeling - shoulder blade movement, and moving into cat/cow

Hands directly below the shoulders, push the floor away to feel the shoulder blades drift apart, and then allow the shoulder blades to slide back together - repeat 10 x, then use this same feeling- as you push the floor away allow the spine to curve opening up the back of the body, and as you release let you breastbone shine forward and arch the back

Repeat 10x

Child’s Pose

Take your buttocks back on top of your heels and feel a stretch down the sides of your trunk and arms.

Place your right hand on your left and push again into childs pose- use your breath to open up the right hand side of the ribcage, repeat opposite side.

And smile, it’s nearly springtime. (first published August 2022)


Exercise is not without its risks and this or any other exercise program many result in injury. As with any exercise program, if at any point during your workout you begin to feel faint, dizzy or have physical discomfort, you should stop immediately and consult a medical professional.


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